Resource Library

Resources by Category

The Art and Science of Framing

Resources on the art and science of framing including websites, blog posts, fact sheets, and reports that explain the importance of framing and offer general framing tips.

Collaboration: The Evidence Behind the Strategy

Resources on the evidence and strategy behind collaboration including articles and blog posts that define collaboration, discuss the importance of collaboration, and explain the strategy behind creating a collaborative partnership.

21st Century Vision of Public Health

Resources on the 21st century vision of public health, including reports, articles, websites, blog posts, fact sheets, and multimedia that highlight the importance of cross-sector collaboration to this forward-thinking vision for public health, and showcase projects that embody this vision.

Collaboration Initiatives and Toolkits

The PHRASES Toolkit focuses on helping you to effectively communicate the value of public health to leaders and decision makers in other sectors with the goal of building stronger partnerships. However, communication is not the only key to creating an effective collaboration. Here you will find other projects, toolkits, and initiatives that support building cross-sector collaboration.

Housing & Public Health

Reports and fact sheets that will help you get to know the housing sector as it relates to public health.

Education & Public Health

Reports, articles, and fact sheets that will help you get to know the education sector.

Business & Public Health

Articles and blog posts on effective ways to work with businesses.

Health Systems & Public Health

Reports and articles that will help you get to know the health systems and hospital sector.

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