
Putting It into Practice

The art and craft of building effective cross-sector partnerships

Stay tuned for evidence-based tools and strategies designed to support public health professionals as they forge effective partnerships with colleagues from other sectors.

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Getting Started

Need help finding the best tool for you?

Are you currently collaborating with other sectors?

  • Yes!
  • No, but I want to start.
  • What do you mean?

How is it going?

  • Perfectly!
  • It's a challenge.

What do you need help with?

  • Starting the conversation with another a potential sector partner.
  • Explaining what a cross-sector collaboration could look like.
  • Identifying strategic partners and understanding their goals.
  • Building the foundation of a strong collaboration.

Check out our Stories from the Field for examples of successful cross-sector work.

Great work. Check out our Framing Tools to learn why success stories are so important then share yours with us!

What speed bumps have you hit?

  • Communicating about public health in a way that resonates with leaders in other sectors.
  • Demonstrating what success could look like to engage partners.
  • Reaching a common understanding about goals.
  • Sustaining the partnership.

Dig into our Framing Tools for evidence-based recommendations and strategies.

Our Stories from the Field provide some great examples to draw from.

Use our Resource Library to do your homework about the sectors you�re looking to engage.

Check out our Sample Documents from the Field to see how others have planned for success.

Dig into our Framing Tools for evidence-based recommendations and strategies.

Draw some inspiration from our Stories from the Field and use them as examples!

Check out our Sample Documents from the Field to see how others have planned for success.

Start Over

PHRASES Frame of Mind

By framing our work and our value in a way that resonates with leaders in other sectors, we can open doors to more productive collaborations with important partners who share our goals of improving the public's health. — Karen DeSalvo, MD, MPH
Professor of Medicine and Population Health, University of Texas at
Austin Dell Medical School and PHRASES Advisory Committee Co-Chair