21–26 of 26 results

Coalition for Learning + Health

“The Coalition for Learning + Health is dedicated to creating the conditions for health in our nation’s schools by increasing collaboration between the health and education sectors.”


Healthy Schools Campaign


CityHealth, an initiative of the de Beaumont Foundation and Kaiser Permanente, believes “policy is one of our most powerful tools to improve people’s lives and make cities thrive.” They aim to advance “a package of evidence-based policy solutions that will help millions of people live longer, better lives in vibrant, prosperous communities.”


de Beaumont Foundation and Kaiser Permanente

ChangeLab Solutions

“ChangeLab Solutions works across the nation to advance equitable laws and policies that ensure healthy lives for all. We prioritize communities whose residents are at highest risk for poor health. Our interdisciplinary team of lawyers, planners, policy analysts, and more, works with neighborhoods, cities, and states to create thriving communities.”


ChangeLab Solutions

Building a Culture of Health

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the RAND Corporation developed the “Culture of Health Action Framework [that] sets a national agenda to improve health, equity and well-being. Informed by rigorous research on the multiple factors which affect health, it recognizes there are many ways to build a Culture of Health, and provides numerous entry points for all types of organizations to get involved.”


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

BUILD Health Challenge

“The Build Health Challenge is contributing to the creation of a new norm in the US, one that puts multi-sector community partnerships at the foundation of improving health for everyone.” Be sure to take a look at the following collaboration resources on their website: Getting BUILD Ready: Tools for Moving Resources, Attention, and Action Upstream to Drive Sustainable Improvements in Community Health; Learning Series: Keys to Collaboration Report; and Learning Series: Data Sharing within Cross-Sector Collaboration.


Colorado Health Foundation, de Beaumont Foundation, Kresge Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Advisory Board Company

Action Collaborative on Business Engagement in Building Healthy Communities

“Building on the momentum of previous roundtable workshops on business engagement in building health communities and applying a health lens to business practices, policies, and investments, this collaborative will promote business engagement in strategies for improving population health with an attention to the health and economic well-being of companies, workers, and communities, whether small, medium, or large.”


The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine