21–23 of 23 results

Affordable Housing & Health: City Roles and Strategies for Progress

“Cities nationwide are experiencing housing-related challenges, with a growing share of the population unable to afford to rent or own a home. Residents struggle to afford not just a place to live, but a stable home that supports their health and well-being. This paper explores the factors that contribute to affordable housing and health, including examples of successful strategies used by cities to generate and preserve healthy and affordable housing.”


National League of Cities


How Health Sectors Can Leverage Partnerships

“Health care organizations and public health agencies have operated in parallel for many decades, brushing up against each other at times of crisis or, occasionally, building on mutual interests. Overlapping objectives of these two health sectors should be obvious, and the collaborative potential evident.” This article discusses the natural barriers health care delivery and public health face to partnering to improve individual and population health.


Catholic Health Association


Hospitals’ Engagement in Population Health: Moving Past the Medicine and into the Community

Melinda Chen, a primary care physician and health services researcher, and coauthors, discuss that “some hospitals are taking a broad population health stance. [But], at present, these hospitals are exceptions to the norm.” In this blog, the authors explore if “more hospitals [could] have the incentives and capabilities to develop sustainable programs that address non-medical determinants of population health in their communities.”


Health Affairs